Worst Cooks in America It's Time for Dessert

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Worst Cooks in America


Season 18 episode 7

Previous episode reviewed on this blog below.

Winner gets $25,000.00

Contenders left at beginning of this episode:
Red team-Ann Burrell

Blue team-Alton Brown

At show beginning  teams compete against each other on a quasi- Candyland game.  Evidently this episode was dessert day.  The contenders had to prepare a tart, a pie and a napoleon.

I do not like preparing any dessert as flour tends to get all over the kitchen, you need too many appliances and hot milk makes everything curdle.  But it was a good show and like most reality shows do when they want to stretch out the season depending on how the show is doing with the numbers, no one was sent home in this episode.

  Red team wins the tasting, feeling, visual challenges.

First challenge make a napoleon, a concoction of  crispy layers, pastry cream, home-made whipped cream.
Red team-Ann Burrell
Shannon-Ann like her dessert
Lesley-was pink, Ann thought it over the top
Bridgette-Ann said was ok

Blue team-Alton Brown
Mike-Alton did not like
Leo-Alton liked
Kelly-Alton said too much chocolate

Next challenge, prepare a tart:
Ann winner-Bridgette

Alton winner Kelly


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