Sunday Political Talk Show Thread 2/24/20

The Sunday political talk shows 2/23/20

Below the FreeRepublic Sunday talk show thread link.

The major talking points of the day

Russia interfering in upcoming election, so the Intelligence agencies report to Adam Schiff
Fox News Sunday”: Tom Steyer … Marc Short. Panel: Josh Holmes, Jane Harman, Gillian Turner and Juan Williams … “Power Player of the Week” segment with Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing coordinator Bertie Bowman.

Highlight of Fox News Sunday:

Tom Steyer the nobody tries to make himself a somebody

Link to Fox News Sunday Below:

 MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Short; Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C.

Highlight of Meet the Press:
Hugh Hewett says Democratic establishment cannot stop Bernie Sanders

Link to Meet the Press show below:
FACE THE NATION (CBS): Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, creepy NOPE*; national security adviser Robert O’Brien..

Highlight of Face the Nation

Joe Biden gives the worst interview of the morning

Below the link to Face the Nation:

THIS WEEK (ABC): O’Brien; Clyburn.

Highlight of This Week with George Stephanopolous

Ambassador says no evidence Russia doing anything to affect election…O'Brien, Clyburn will not endorse Biden just yet

Link to This Week below:

STATE OF THE UNION (CNN): Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn.

Highlight of State of the Union

Did not watch;  went out to lunch with Diane Feinstein

Link to State of the Union  below:

Sunday Morning Futures:

Rep Collings of Georgia will work on legislating corrections on the FISA system recently so abused by the FBI

Link below

60 Funniest Animal Pictures With Captions

She finds a presidential contender molesting a child. What can she do?
